Blog 4: Photography 101

Year 1: Venturing Once Again

Blog 4: Photography 101

[August 6, 2024] As I noted in the previous blog, the sweaters arrived in Vancouver. After completing a thorough inventory, I began planning the next step: photographing the sweaters.

Even with numerous apps available for editing, background removal, and various AI-assisted enhancements, you still need a solid photograph to work with. Fortunately, I have a DSLR that I’ve used intermittently over the years, mostly for fun. This time, however, I needed to take professional-quality shots of the sweaters for social media and the website. The initial results were as expected—poor photos with issues like excessive lighting, insufficient lighting, awkward angles, and more.

I decided to build a white box and purchased two softboxes to improve the situation. Gradually, I started to achieve the results I was aiming for. After hundreds of shots, I finally got a few decent ones to use. Managing lighting and colours is quite challenging; one day the photos look great, and the next day, another set looks good but with different characteristics, making it tough to maintain consistency.


I began exploring Adobe Lightroom and quickly started creating some impressive images. I'm still working on defining the style I want for all my photos, which is challenging since I'm still an amateur photographer.

As the end of August nears, the major dog event in town is approaching. The "Day of the Dog" event is set for August 25 in Yaletown, so I decided to book a booth there in hopes of boosting brand awareness.

Stay tuned for Blog #5 next week!

- Gustavo Lin


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