Blog 5: Pre-sale - First Pop-Up Store
Year 1: Venturing Once Again
Blog 5: Pre-sale - First Pop-Up Store
[August 25, 2024] We did a in-person pre-sale a week before our official e-opening.
I heard of this big event in Yaletown called Pet-A-Palooza. It's basically the Day of the Dog event; the biggest in town. Every year, they host a massive outdoor event with many vendors, free activities, and many fun things for dogs. Thousands of people attend with their furry loved ones. We thought this could be a great opportunity to bring exposure of the brand and bring awareness to future customers in Vancouver. So we decided to pay for a booth. It was not cheap; however, it gave us exposure, as I mentioned. We had to purchase the decorations and tools on time to make sure we had what we wanted. Luckily we were able to get all the things on time for the event.
The event started at 11am, but we started to get people walking with their dogs already around 10:30am. Soon, we started the get big crowds. It was showtime. We had to break the wall of shyness and start talking to people, invite them to play the roulette to win prizes and talk to them about our dog sweaters.
I'm happy that everyone was super nice and excited about our dog sweaters. Really amazing community. Everyone super supportive! Our intention wasn't to sell any at the event, as we knew that no one knew us yet. But thankfully, we were able to sell a few on site at a discounted rate!
We want to thank everyone that purchased one of our sweaters and also the everyone that gave us a minute to introduce the brand. My goal was to let as many people know about the brand and the quality of the sweaters. And I think we accomplished that!!
The one down side of that day is that it was warm. A few days before, the weather forecast was showing a cool day, so I was super excited for that. It definitely plays a psychological factor. But it was still great! Lots of people came out and got to know about us.
Next, official e-store launch!
Stay tuned!
- Gustavo Lin